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Subject Verb Agreement Exercise English Grammar

Filed in Uncategorized by on July 26, 2023

Subject-verb agreement is a crucial aspect of English grammar. It ensures that the subject and the verb in a sentence match in terms of their number. In other words, if the subject is singular, the verb should be singular, and if the subject is plural, the verb should be plural. Proper subject-verb agreement makes sentences more concise, clear, and easy to understand. Therefore, it is essential to practice subject-verb agreement exercises to improve your grammar skills.

Here are some examples of subject-verb agreement exercises:

1. The cat (is, are) sleeping on the couch.

Answer: The cat is sleeping on the couch. (Singular subject – use `is` as the verb)

2. The cars (is, are) parked outside.

Answer: The cars are parked outside. (Plural subject – use `are` as the verb)

3. Each of the students (has, have) their own textbooks.

Answer: Each of the students has their own textbooks. (Singular subject – use `has` as the verb)

4. The group of musicians (play, plays) together every weekend.

Answer: The group of musicians plays together every weekend. (Singular subject – use `plays` as the verb)

5. The flowers in the garden (needs, need) to be watered.

Answer: The flowers in the garden need to be watered. (Plural subject – use `need` as the verb)

Subject-verb agreement exercises like these can help you understand the concepts better and identify instances where you may have made mistakes. Regular practice can help you improve your grammar skills, and ensure that your writing is clear and concise.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is a crucial aspect of English grammar, and it is essential to practice exercises to improve your skills. With consistent practice, you can become proficient in subject-verb agreement and produce grammatically correct text. So, keep practicing and honing your skills to become a better communicator.

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