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Mgeu Collective Agreement Southern Health

Filed in Uncategorized by on November 22, 2021

The MGEU Collective Agreement with Southern Health: What You Need to Know

The Manitoba Government and General Employees` Union (MGEU) recently reached a collective agreement with Southern Health-Santé Sud, the regional health authority responsible for providing health care services to approximately 170,000 residents in southern Manitoba.

The agreement, which covers the period from April 1, 2020, to March 31, 2024, includes several key provisions related to wages, benefits, and working conditions for MGEU members employed by Southern Health.

Here`s a closer look at some of the most important aspects of the MGEU collective agreement with Southern Health:

Wages: The agreement provides for wage increases of 1.5% in each year of the four-year agreement, with retroactive pay from April 1, 2020. In addition, certain classifications of employees will receive further wage adjustments to address wage disparities.

Benefits: The agreement includes improvements to various employee benefits, including vision care, mental health coverage, and sick leave. It also establishes a new long-term disability plan that provides income protection for eligible employees who are unable to work due to illness or injury.

Working conditions: The agreement addresses several issues related to working conditions, including scheduling, overtime, and workplace safety. It also establishes a joint committee to explore measures to address workplace violence and harassment.

Overall, the MGEU collective agreement with Southern Health represents a significant achievement for MGEU members working in the health care sector. It reflects the dedication and hard work of these employees, who provide essential health care services to the people of southern Manitoba.

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